The eternal fight between the good and evil, who will prevail?

This mythological thriller is a beautiful, plausible blend of history and religion. The primary story focuses is however the quintessential good vs evil, here the Deva s vs the Asuras, starting with Indra s actions hurting and enraging the Asuras tremendously  The story travels through various epochs,  be it Satyajit Aryavarta,  470 CE Arab; in 1026 CE with an exploration of Mahmud of Ghazni’s plunder of Somnath; and the focus of present time where Vivaan Arya, a business tycoon, unravels the conspiracies of his grandfathers death alongwith deep cosmic cycles of the Mahaupadhays of the ages!  There is a deep history and mystery to Sudhir ARYA s death and it all comes down to the search of Mrit Sanjeevani, clans trying to protect it and clans trying to gain it. A cycle of revenge wanted!
The character development is very strong here, while Vivaan Arya, the protagonist is seen fighting the different situations, Riya stays loyal to him, Alok Chaudhary, Faiza, and of course the suspenseful character of Wasim Khan, with the other priests giving strong support. Sudhir Arya dying in mysterious circumstances organizes the events of the novel into a chronological succession. 
The way many ideas,stories and myths of Sanatan Dharma is related with history and presented, it simplified and connected many things very entertainingly. The authors have done a great job in researching and applying details to the SHLOKAS.  Mrityunjay was a great read for me. Being filled with interesting narratives, multiple plot interconnections and running subplots, as well as well developed characters, its a mark in the mythological genres of today.
My thoughts are not as cohesive as the book was in its presentation of the events merging ages past to the present but it’s been a great read hands down!

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